Nurse Leader Intensive
Nurse leaders need the knowledge and tools to think creatively and assume an active role in leading their organizations…
…through the major change of implementing the new models of long-term care, whether a neighborhood model or the desirable Household Model.
Purpose and Learning Objectives
To provide Nurse Leaders with the knowledge and tools to think creatively and assume an active role in leading their organizations through the major change of implementing a new model of long term care -- the Household Model.
"Nursing" and "home" - a familiar pairing. But how do we reconcile one with the other to offer quality of care and quality of life? What is the role of the nurse leader in culture change? Will the work ever get done? To help nurses find answers and solutions, Action Pact is offering Nurse Leader training
Throughout the session, the instructors and their guests will address staffing, self-led teams, cross training, person-centered care, regulations, new skills and competencies for nurses in culture change homes. The training is designed for the nurse executive and nurse leaders in household, neighborhood and small house organizations. It can also be of great benefit to an executive team in the early design stages of determining how physical renovation and clinical care might merge into good care and a good daily life.
Agenda available on request.
Target Audience
Nurse Leaders from organizations configured in households, small houses, cottages or advanced neighborhoods. These may include Licensed Nursing Homes, Assisted Living and Personal Care.
Sessions will be led by Gloria Blackmon, BSN, RN, GERO-BC, DNS-CT, with assistance from Megan Hannan, MS.
Continuing Education
This activity has been submitted to WNA CEAP for approval to award contact hours. Wisconsin Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Requirements for awarding contact hours
Attendees must be present for 100% of the live sessions.
Attendees must complete an evaluation and pass a short test at conclusion of this program.
Total contact hours awarded if not absent for any portion of this activity and the above criteria is met: 18.5 hours.
A certificate of achievement, with attendee’s contact hours, will be given to attendees at the conclusion of the session or when all criteria are met.
Regarding Conflicts of Interest
The planners and presenters of this continuing education offering have attested that there are no conflicts of interest as defined by the American Nurses Association Credentialing Center related to this presentation.
In-Person - $2800
The in-person, 3-day session takes place within a long-term care household community. The location will be indicated in the specific event.
Distance Learning - $2,200
The distance learning session will be comprised of three 90-minute live online meetings (one per month) spread out over 10 weeks to make the class doable for busy leaders. Between each live meeting there will be manageable (and actually enjoyable) online homework assignments.
Cancellations or postponements accepted without question.
Class sizes for these sessions are limited to a small number of participants, so sign up early to guarantee yourself a spot.
COVID Considerations
After a hiatus due to COVID, Action Pact is resuming in-person intensives May 17-19, 2022. Our staff are all fully vaccinated, and proof of vaccination will be required from all attendees. We will be following current CDC guidance regarding virus protocols (distancing, masking, etc) and complying with any existing federal, state and local mandates at the time of each session. Finally, we must reserve the right to cancel sessions at any time if the changing COVID situation makes it impossible or impractical to hold them. If this should happen, all participants will be able to transfer their registration to another session or receive a full refund.
We are also continuing to schedule Intensives using distance learning. These programs include online lectures, discussions, homework assignments, e-learning modules and direct interactions with the instructors. They provide the same great content and are approved for the same number of CEUs (where applicable). This is a great alternative for those who are unable to attend an in-person session.
Because the Nurse Leader Intensive is hosted in a functioning Household Model environment, the safety needs of their residents must be prioritized. If the hosting facility is unable to host the Intensive on-site due to COVID restrictions at the time of the session, we will move to an off-site location for the training and feature visits from facility staff and coordinated video links with the hosting organization. As with all of our in-person sessions, all attendees must be fully vaccinated and we will be following CDC guidance and complying with all federal, state and local mandates at the time of the session.
Register Today
If no sessions listed below, none are currently scheduled. For more information about dates or to express your interest contact us.